Friday, March 2, 2007

My Story by Razor

Hi, My name is Razor. Well at least that's the name my human parents use. They say my full name is Hismerh Kronos Razor, but trust me, you can't pronounce my dog name. As of now, I am just about 1 year old, so my story isn't that long yet. At least I don't think so. That's a picture of me laying in the grass in my yard. Dad took the picture back in November around Thankgiving.
I am a full blooded Dobermann Pinscher, I weigh 97 pounds right now and I'm just under 30 inches tall at my shoulder. I'm Black and Tan, just like the dogs in the movie "The Doberman Gang". I was born in Pennsylvania as one of a litter of 7. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, also Black and Tan. Here is a picture of me with my Football.

I met my human Dad 3 times before he took me home when I was about 8 weeks old. He says I got my human name (Razor) because when he came to bring me home, I climbed up into his lap and started chewing on his hand with my little "Razor" sharp teeth. So what's a puppy supposed to do? One time and I'm stuck with it forever, but it's not so bad, he could have named me something really stupid. But actually, I kind of like the name. Me and my Dad and Mom all live in New Jersey, down near Sandy Hook, which is a pretty cool place.

I haven't really met any other Dobes, except for two girls one girl we met when we were watching an Agility match. She was nice but kinda young. She was still having her ears trained. The other was a girl we met at the dog park that we go to once in a while. But we only saw her once. She was fun to play with, but she got stupid around the little human beings (they call them kids). And she also liked to get her own way. But I had fun running with her that time. We don't go to the dog park much anymore since my Dad said there were a bunch of idiots that brought little kids and babies and even some nasty dogs there. Said he didn't want to take a chance on me being hurt, or even worse, blamed for something I didn't do. Something about Dobes getting blamed for lots of stuff just because they're Dobes. I don't get it, but Dad is a good man and he's probably right. So we go places where we can walk and play that Dad feels comfortable with.

I like a lot of things, but mostly I like my squeaky toys to play with and my purple tug ball. Dad says that there are a lot of toys that I can't have because I might hurt myself. He says they come apart too easy and I might swallow the pieces, so he only gets me toys that are pretty tough. Guess it has something to do with my name? The other things I like are playing Agility and going to Obedience class. Both of those classes are fun. I can't wait until I'm old enough to play Agility for real, with all the other grown up dogs. Both Dad and the teacher say I'm pretty fast, especially for a big dog, but I'll tell you a secret, I can go faster. Dad only lets me do low jumps because he doesn't want me to hurt my growth plates (whatever they are). So I just do a few low jumps when we play Agility and we do the tunnels (those are really neat). I like to play on the teeter totter and once I made Dad really laugh when I bounced the teeter up and down while I was standing on the end of it. That was pretty neat. And Dad was also pretty happy when I helped my buddy Ziggy (a Vizla) learn to do the Dog Walk. Ziggy was a little afraid, so I got him to chase me across it. Now he does it like a pro! And he didn't have time to be afraid when he was chasing me that first time, and I don't think he even realized he was doing it! (lol)

Dad says something about "I only have an On/Off switch, and there is no idle or neutral". Not quite sure what that means, but at the end of the day, Dad is usually tired. And that's when he says my switch just got turned to off. Here is a picture from when Dad says my switch is in the Off position.

Obedience class is also fun, but some of the stuff is kind of weird. But I have fun and it makes Dad happy. We are in a class called Attention 2. It starts in a couple of days and I hope I know someone there. It's always more fun that way. My best buddy Nanook (a Newfie) used to go to all the same Obedience classes, but Dad says because of schedules, we may not see him at class for a while.

I also have another buddy that I haven't seen in a while, Niko, he's an Airedale. Dad said him and his Mom moved away to upstate New York. I haven't seen him since before it started snowing. Dad says he's going to come for a visit soon though. He says something about March madness and Niko losing his icicles. I hope losing your icicles doesn't hurt too much, cause Dad says I'm probably going to lose mine soon too. Wonder what they are anyhow???

Well it's a really nice day today and Dad just asked me if I want to go for a walk in the park, and that's something I ALWAYS LIKE to do. So I'll pick this up later. I think I'll tell you about what it's been like since I came home with Dad. Bye for now and See you later.